Last week I took a trip into one of our local sex shops and was astounded at the price of BDSM accessories/equipment. While I knew things were expensive at the retail level, even I was not braced for the sticker shock I experienced. Quite simply, the sex shop reduces BDSM only to the most affluent. People would rather pay their rent then spend hundreds of dollars on BDSM toys.
Fortunately, the visit was after I went to our local Home Depot. As regular readers here know, I am a fan designing and building my own BDSM equipment. Quite simply, a little skill goes a long way in developing furniture and other accessories while saving vasts amounts of money. I believe in being a frugal BDSMers.
When you look at the price of things such as cuffs, you can easily spend $100 on a decent pair. These items will certainly enhance the BDSM scene. However, it is something that is out of the price range of many people, especially those who are new. Therefore, I developed restraints with some ingenuity, bungee cords, and a metal "D" clip. I can bind a subs hands with two bungee cords and join them together with the "D" clip. The total cost on this system was less than $5.
The next time you visit the sex shop, use the trip as a fact finding tour. Notice what you like and then follow it up with a trip to the hardware store. You will be amazed how many ideas you have when walking around of how to create substitute products for a fraction of the cost. The bottom line is a sub will not care what is being used to bind her during a scene. After all, we are after the effect.
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2 years ago
I love the article, I have a friend who I never take or go with to a $ store: he gets Ideas :D
Very interesting information about the toys shop
Bondage ideas?
bdsm toys
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