The M/s lifestyle is one that offers a lot of wonderful joy and pleasure for so many. However, it also is a subject surrounded by lots of confusion. People are constantly believing the images that are portrayed online. Also, there is an opportunity for a lot of abuse by those who are seeking to use others. This is not what the lifestyle is about.
I wrote An Owned Life to clear up some of the confusion surrounding this way of life. It covers the basics of the M/s relationship while delving into the different aspect of the Master/slave interaction. This is my perspective based upon over a decade involved in this lifestyle. Reading this will give you a basic understanding of how true Masters and slaves really are. It will help you identify those who are pretending.
At this time, I am grouping together this book with another, Words of Submission, a book of poems put together by a real life slave. This wonderful piece reveals her thoughts and ideas about this life in the poetic form. Reading this will offer the insight into the feelings a slave has for her Master.
For a short time, if you purchase An Owned Life, you will receive Words of Submission, absolutely FREE. As mentioned, this collection will proved some wonderful basics for the lifestyle. You can get both books here.
Welcome to the journey into this alternative lifestyle.
Click here for your version of An Owned Life.
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2 years ago
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