Many try to over complicate things when looking at the BDSM way of life. While it is a lifestyle for many, for others it is a way to spice up the ole sex life. When first experimenting with BDSM, it is best to start with some basic things.
A trip to the local sex shop will quickly reveal that one can spend lots of money on BDSM accessories and toys. To say that these devices are not cheap is an understatement. You could literally spend thousands of dollars outfitting yourself with all that you need; a number that doesn't take furniture into consideration. Add that to the equation and the total will surpass $10,000.
Before you take out a personal loan to finance your kinky activities, it is best to start with the basics. This will allow for you to learn different techniques while saving money. One of the most basic accessories you can use is the ordinary wooden clothespin. This is something that you can buy for pennies yet is extremely versatile.
Read anything about BDSM techniques and you will find that clamps are a common part of the lifestyle. Many scenes will involve this in some form. Clamps are used for nipples, clits, and cocks. They can also be put on any part of the body where the Dom/Master wants to apply a bit of pain. Many find the pinching adds to the sensation of being dominated.
Again, before running out to the local sex shop and purchasing different kinds clamps with chains, consider playing with the clothespins that are laying in your laundry room. These items will give the same benefit as a clamp for a few cents. If you are feeling really feisty, put a number of them on the breast at the same time.
Another wonderful technique that is done with clothespins is something called the Zipper. This is a system where a number of clothespins are tied together and placed on the body. The removal is similar to a zipper being opened. For a full description of how to use this technique, click here.
As you can see, your entry into BDSM need not be expensive nor extravagant. Often, a trip to the local hardware store offers some of the best ideas.
This is very true, all too often people think they have to have all the new toys and gadgets when they start out only to see it gather dust in a cupboard, start with household objects and see what you like... some wise words in this article,
A great way to get started without busting the bank.
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