
October 7, 2014

BDSM: It Is What Is Natural

The other day, I went to the nude beach for a day of relaxation and enjoyment.  Thankfully, nothing of great importance got sunburned so it was a successful venture.  Leaving aside my personal tidbits, I did want to share some thoughts I had while out there.

Are you aware that bathing suits were not invented until the 18th century?  Before that, people swam....nude.  This article of clothing was created because of the morality of the times.  In other words, the prudishness of people started to get in the way of what was natural.   This will come as no surprise to my regular readers since I like to point out the hypocrisies of society and how the conditioning it provides is not in our best interest.

Natural Laws

The entire universe operates according to laws that are natural to it.  Humans, since we are part of the Animal Kingdom, are a part of this cosmos, hence required to follow the basic mandates of the universe.  Of course, with our advanced knowledge and wisdom, we feel we are smarter than the rest of the species on this planet.  Pretty ironic when you consider the fact that dolphins do not have complexes about who or what they are.  The same cannot be said for humans.

Anyway, getting back to the nude beach, our natural state is sans clothing.  Clothing is meant to protect one from the elements.  Obviously, the idea of walking around naked in North Dakota in January will get one a trip to the nut house.  Clothing in this instance is required to protect one from the cold and wind.  This is just common sense.  However, wearing clothes at other times does not make sense except to conform to the viewpoints of society.

Over the years, I spoke with many about the nude beach.  As you can imagine, I get a variety of responses when asking people if they would ever frequent one.  I think the most common answer is the belief that one does not "have the body" to be out there.  That one always makes me laugh.  I guess people think it is a bunch of super models out there tanning themselves bare.  The truth is one sees the aging process in all its glory.  In other words, things that started out one place are now somewhere else.  Again, this is just nature (or gravity which is one of the laws of the universe) working its magic.

Another response is people seem to believe that they "could never expose themselves like that".  My question is "why not"?  Do you have something that is unique.  I can assure you in all my years going out there, people basically fit into one of two categories.  The men all had penises and asses while the women asses, breasts, and vaginas.  Outside the rare breed who was a hybrid of the two (breasts with a penis), everyone was one or the other.  Sure, there were different shapes, sizes, and colors.  Nevertheless, the basic components are the same.

People are basically unveiling what nature gave them.  There is nothing sexual or lewd about laying around naked sunning oneself.  It is the most natural thing in the world.  This is how we were born in spite of social conditioning trying to tell us otherwise.

Another natural aspect of life is sex.  I know, this is something that society has tried to control and stamp out for centuries.  Nevertheless, the truth is that sex is as natural as breathing.  Anyone who grew up on a farm knows the primary motive for sex and people of this sort learn it at a young age.  The stud and mare are joined together for a reason and it is not for pleasure.  Of course, at the basic essence that is why humans have sex.

Much like nudity, sex has become a dirty thing.  What is ironic is that not too long ago in our history, it was something that was openly done.  Think back to the "Little House on the Prairie" times when people lived in what basically was a one room house with a loft for sleeping.  To start, open nudity was a given since all members of the family bathed in the washtub in the middle of the room.  Also, mom and dad, hold your cookies on this one, had sex like most normal adults even though the kids were right there.  There were no bedrooms to hide behind; no motel rooms to rent.  Basically, it was all out in the open.  Again, this was natural as opposed to what society promotes today that sex is dirty and taboo.

What is the point of all this?  I want to show everyone that sex, nudity, and a host of other things are as natural as the oxygen we breathe.  All member of the Animal Kingdom have sex to reproduce.  We come into this world with nothing and leave the same way.  Our bottoms are bare when we leave the womb and often that way when we take our last breathes.  Those who eat natural foods tend to be in better health and shape as compared to those who eat the processed stuff that is killing so many.  All of this is as natural as the gravity that is keeping you tied to this planet.


Much in the same way, inequality is also the truth in nature.  People seem to like to tout the idea of equality which is total garbage.  Where in nature is anything equal (or fair is another term)?  The answer is nowhere.  Nature operates under one law: survival of the fittest.  The lion is known as the king of the jungle for a reason.  He did not get this title in a recount or because he was granted certain privilege.  Basically, he took it.   Until something knocks the lion off, it will be this way.

In the human world, we like the idea of equality and everyone being the same.  The truth is that people are not.  Sure they are created in a similar manner but, as we go through life, differences arise.  Some, for example, are smarter than others.  At the same time, there are individuals who are able to get ahead while others lag behind.  Some lead while the masses follow.  It is that simple.  Throughout history, we see great men and women who were able to step up and take control.  Conquering armies going to spoils of war (usually the women) while the losers became slaves.  There are no referees or mediators.  Quite simply, winner takes all.

What is special about BDSM is that it is the one way of life which adheres to the laws of nature.  We do not promote the myth of equality as it pertains to power.  In fact, we are completely open about the fact that we establish our relationships based upon the unequal distribution of power.  Dominants are the one who are fully in charge.  This means they have all the power AND the responsibility to use it properly (misuse of this makes you a fake, pretender, and abuser).  It is the joining of two cores with opposite desires.  One is dominant and desires control while, the other, submissive, seeks to give it up.  Of course, each has a responsibility to the other in the relationship to ensure its success.  Therefore, it is not all one give, the other take.  Each person, following what is natural, offers different attributes to the relationship.  When combined, these two individuals can enjoy something that is deeper than either of them found in the traditional world.

All interactions are based upon one person being in charge with another following. Again, this is the natural way things are.  We see this in friendships where one person is always doing what another wants.  This is often based upon the personalities of each party.  In the business world, we see the employer-employee interaction which makes it easy to see who is in charge.  Parents and kids exhibit the same behavior.  Everywhere we look, we see this play out.  Of course, I would be remiss without mentioning the golden rule: he with the gold makes the rules.  Therefore, we see how interactions take place based upon economic or social status.

My point is that, when you truly analyze it, inequality is the true nature of relationships.  BDSM is the only way of life that openly admits this.  We do not hide this fact or pretend that something else is taking place.  When one is following his core and leading, it is natural for one to follow.  At the same time, this person needs to accept the responsibility for where things go and how they turn out.  This is part of being a true dominant and not some hack just pretending.  Leadership is a quality that always rang true throughout the ages.  If we look in nature, it is easy to see who is the "leader of the pack".  There is always one who is in charge no matter where we look on the scale in the Animal Kingdom.  It is all around us in nature and in BDSM too.

Ergo, BDSM is what is natural.


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  1. So much here that should be obvious to society but isn't. Other parts I'm still absorbing but the logic seems sound. It always amazes me how many people rely on the 'moral majority' to dictate to them what is normal and acceptable.

  2. I get the idea of power exchange, but why does it need to be edgy or scary or painful? I'm just trying understand. I've been reading some blogs and comments written by both doms/masters and sub/slaves. I just don't understand the need to be humiliated
