
August 6, 2008

The Use Of Words

Words are very powerful. They are the basis from which we form all meaning. Whenever we hear something, an image is formed in our mind. For example, think of the word “orange”. As soon as you did that, either the round fruit popped into your head or you visualized something that was the color orange. Either way, the word established what you pictured.

They also can elicit emotion within us. Words can be expressions of love, anger, hatred, fear, or comfort. Again, they are what gives things meaning. In the BDSM world, words can have a powerful impact on a sub/slave. I use them to begin the process of training those that I am involved with. It is helpful for one to begin thinking in terms of the way that I desire her to.

One of the primary methods of training is to separate a slave from her present identity. Naturally, this is not something that can be done completely. A slave performs a variety of roles; some of which cannot be dropped. She might be mom, manager, or employee. These “labels” she will still carry with her. Yet, if we add some other terms to define her, we can see a difference in mindset. How much different an outlook does one have when she is called slut, slave, whore, cunt, or worthless. Repeated use of these terms will begin to allow her to identify with the role she is to take on.

I wrote sometime back about erotic humiliation. Much of this practice is made up of wordplay. The joyful sensation that comes from being demeaned is strong. Words have the power to change not only how we feel, but also how we look at ourselves. Experiment with this practice to see how Your sub/slave responds.

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